Awe and Wonder – Exploring and Discovering

As soon so I could crawl, walk and run, I explored my environs. Everything was new and wondrous. Every new venture, meant I discovered something I had never seen before.

I saw daffodil shoots pierce leaves so perfectly; an old Autumnal leaf, now a complete white, filigree skeleton; a robin, hop up to my feet, cocking its head to look at me; the rich wood brown of a conker as it first falls from the soft creamy, velvet interior; standing beneath a stately Beech, with the sunlight flowing through new translucent, pale green leaves. It was as if they were stained glass windows, shedding their brilliant light upon me and beyond.

Then there were the scents; the warm earth of a wood, after Summer rain; a heady nectar from carpets of bluebells; the pungency from rolled Nasturtium leaves on a warm garden wall and the way a droplet of water is captured in the centre of the leaf; wood smoke from a fire and Mum’s cooking.

I loved to listen to the sounds from a chattering brook, which never ceased its melody; the rushing wind, racing through the trees, or just rustling them; whistling telegraph wires; wind howling down the chimney; the flutter of bird’s wings when disturbed; the call of the pheasant and cuckoo and the dawn chorus, where every bird wants to praise his maker.

The beauty of creation around me stayed deep within my heart, so that I can recall all the sights, scents and sounds again with great joy. 😊